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Ships Agency & Marine Support. Logistics & Warehousing

Established in 2009, Ffolkes Offshore Limited is an independently owned Ships Agency & Marine Support company, providing logistics services to the offshore maritime and energy industry

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About Us

Who we are and what makes us different

Ffolkes Offshore is an independent, full service Ships Agency & Marine Support company, providing logistics services to the offshore maritime and energy industry.

Serving the UK’s principal Offshore Ports, Ffolkes Offshore offers clients a new approach to vessel agency, demonstrating innovative solutions focused on the overall reduction of port OPEX costs.

Providing services specifically tailored to Offshore Vessel Owners & Operators, Ffolkes Offshore operates on '4 core' principles →


Leadership team with over 30 years in Ships Agency & Marine Management.


Configured for the modern market - asset light and low overhead to maximise value.


Fully aligned with G-OMO guidelines & Quality Managed to ISO9001:2015 standard.


No parent group restrictions - suppliers selected on safety, performance & value.

Locations & Port Information

Find out all of the information you need before arriving at the next port.

Quality, Health, Safety & Environment

Delivering services safely ffrom start to ffinish

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Copyright © 2018 FFolkes Offshore Ltd.
Registered in Scotland No: SC359340 – Registered Office: Atlantic House, 25 Commerce Street, Aberdeen, UK. AB11 5FE – VAT Reg: GB 253 0962 12